Experts in Phytotherapy
We explain the science of natural medicine

Welcome to Experts in Phytotherapy, your go-to destination for unlocking the secrets of nature’s pharmacy!

Written by passionate scientists, we specialize in demystifying the science behind plant and herbal medicines and all that comes with it. We offer insightful articles and expert research reviews – all presented in easy-to-understand information and practices for you.

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Study reveals how herbal supplements can prevent the need for prostate biopsies

Study reveals how herbal supplements can prevent the need for prostate biopsies

A recent compelling study provides further proof of the potency of a…

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2560 1706 Plant medicine
Scientific substantiation of our products

Scientific substantiation of our products

As traditional clinical trials are not always applicable for herbal preparations, how…

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1706 1139 Plant medicine
Why do we use Total Extracts?

Why do we use Total Extracts?

Two things are key when we develop a new phytotherapeutical product: we…

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2109 1405 Plant medicine