Why are herbal medicines ‘so expensive’?

You are aware that synthetic medicines are very potent and have their purpose in getting your health back on track in certain situations – thank science for that!
Yet you also know that they are overused and have (sometimes serious) side effects that can be avoided when maintaining and improving your health wheter or not with certain natural products.
But why are plant-based supplements or medicines often rather pricey? There are several reasons for that, let’s have a closer look at 3 of them.

The making of

Decent herbal products are not simply made by throwing a bunch of plant powders together. At Primrose Laboratories for example, it starts with an in-depth R&D phase to carefully select the plant ingredients that synergistically aid in improving or healing the health condition that is being researched. For that, we base ourselves on the combination of scientific studies and traditional usage of the plants.

The potent parts of the plants (such as the leaves, stems or roots) are then undergoing a meticulously defined extraction process. This requires specialised equipment and ingredients which can be pricey as well, and can take up to 6 weeks.

Next, a research phase starts during which it is defined in which ratios the different plant extract are to be combined to give the most optimal effects. After that, several tests to guarantee the safety and quality of our products are performed and a lengthy registration process at the necessary authorities is being done. Package & label design are the last steps before the product can enter the market.

Quality of ingredients

The ingredients used in herbal plants/medicines might sometimes seem trivial and abundant at a first glance. Take curcuma for example. You could think to yourself: ‘I can find this powder rather cheaply in the supermarket, why would it cost that much when it is part of a herbal supplement?’
At Primrose Laboratories, we source our ingredients with great care and quality is key to guarantee the most optimal effects. That means that we get our plant parts from all over the world because we want the plants to come from regions where they originally and naturally grow. We either choose organically grown plants or wild-harvested. On top of that, each harvest can be different and sometimes more of a plant is needed to have the same effect. For that reason, we standardise on certain key molecules within our plant extracts. Altogether, our ingredients can have a rather high price tag.
We believe it is worth it though, so we can give optimal care and health to your body and mind.

Limited health insurance reimbursement

Synthetic medicines can be quite cheap for the customer and often this is because of the reimbursement of your health insurance. You might not even notice its real price because in many countries (especially in Europe), the reimbursement happens automatically and you only pay your contribution at the pharmacy while health insurance will pay your pharmacist the biggest sum later at the end of the month.
Herbal supplements or medicines are rarely on the reimbursement list of health insurance companies or institutions. One of the reasons is that they can not undergo the same studies as synthetic medicines because of the above-mentioned differences in harvests which means that one extract will never be 100% the same as the next. Scientific studies as how they are set up today do not allow for these variations.

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